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A New Era for China-Poland Relations: What We Can Expect

17 czerwca 2016 | Gdy Jedwabny Szlak łączy się z Bursztynowym | Xu Jian
źródło: materiały prasowe

For 67 years our relations have stood the test of time. The stable growth of our relationship benefits from the approach to state-to-state relations based on equality and mutual respect.

Xu Jian, Ambassador of China to Poland

Strategic Partnership2.0

"Bosom friends make distance disappear".Though thousands of miles away, China and Poland are old friends. Poland made many "firsts" in our diplomatic history: among the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with the PRC, set up with us our first joint-venture (Chipolbrok), the first to sign a culture cooperation agreement (in 1951), etc. For 67 years, in spite of changes in the international landscape, our relations have stood the test of time and should be cherished all the more. We should say, the stable growth of our relationship benefits from the approach to state-to-state relations based on equality and mutual respect for each other's choice of development path and the type of sincere and trustworthy people-topeople ties.

China and Poland established a "Strategic Partnership" in 2011. For five years, our bilateral relations have been on a fast track.

In these five years, we saw better policy communication between us, and the two countries became more important partners to each other. The Polish President visited China, Chinese Premier visited Poland, our Foreign Ministers exchanged visits, four rounds of vice-minister level strategic dialogue have been held. We exchange views on national development strategies, and keep smooth communication on international issues....

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