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Polish scientists have a lot to offer

17 czerwca 2016 | Gdy Jedwabny Szlak łączy się z Bursztynowym | Rafał Tomański
źródło: materiały prasowe

Jarosław Gowin, deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Higher Education, on chances for using Chinese potential for Polish science. "There are a thousand Chinese studying in Poland, we would like to see that number increase radically".

Rafał Tomański: What do you expect most from the Xi Jinping's visit to Poland?

Jarosław Gowin: My goal is to intensify cooperation between Polish and Chinese universities in terms of students exchange. Currently there are about a thousand young Chinese studying in Poland, we would like to see that number radically go up. An important issue is as well signing an agreement on bilateral nostrification of high school diplomas as fast as possible.

Chinais intensifying funds for research and development. I see a lot of potential in this area. We finalize works on a letter of intent between the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology. I will discuss the matter personally with my Chinese counterpart during his visit in October....

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