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Comeback of cash withdrawals in shops

04 września 2013 | Forum daily
From left: Tomasz Bogus, Lucyna Stańczak
autor zdjęcia: Piotr Guzik
źródło: Fotorzepa
From left: Tomasz Bogus, Lucyna Stańczak

Cashless payments in Poland can develop thanks to mobile banking and the cash back service.

anna cieślak- -wróblewska

Do state-of-the-art technologies assist development of cashless payments? – the answer to this question is obvious – according to the participants of the panel under the very same title. What matters, however, is to notice the different needs of various groups of clients and adjust the implemented technologies accordingly.

Poland is no leader in terms of cashless turnover. According to the last NBP report, almost 82% of payments are made in cash, every fourth Pole does not even have a bank account or an account in one of the Credit and Savings Unions (SKOKs), and every third Pole does not have a payment card. "We are also recording the lowest indices in Europe in terms of the number of ATM networks or payment terminals," said Michał Skowronek, General Director of MasterCard Europe for Poland.

"For four years we have been implementing a strategy of acquiring a group of clients who do not use banking services, as a result of which we have managed to acquire 1 million clients and over 400 thousand newly opened accounts. And what's interesting, 80 per cent of people from this group do not have a payment card or do not use a debit cart at all. Another characteristics of this group is that these people make card payments less frequently than the average...

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