Good year for Central Europe
In the last few years Central Europe has become one of the most attractive regions for foreign investors. The FDI (Foreign Direct Investments) hasbeen growing steadily sincethe transformation began. The importance of foreigncorporations is also reflected in the Top 500 Central and Eastern Europe list. Almost 30 global corporations generate nearly 30 percent of revenues of all companies included in our ranking. In 2006 their sales exceeded euro140 bln and was 17 percent higher than the year before. Telecommunication and automotive companies are the most conspicuous among theleaders in this region. Thanks to expensive acquisitions a strong position was alsoachieved by energy companies. Polish PKN Orlen is the...
Archiwum Rzeczpospolitej to wygodna wyszukiwarka archiwalnych tekstów opublikowanych na łamach dziennika od 1993 roku. Unikalne źródło wiedzy o Polsce i świecie, wzbogacone o perspektywę ekonomiczną i prawną.
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