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How is Poland seen by our neighbours

05 września 2013 | Forum daily
Agnieszka Łada of the Institute of Public Affairs, which conducted the research
autor zdjęcia: Piotr Guzik
źródło: Fotorzepa
Agnieszka Łada of the Institute of Public Affairs, which conducted the research

economy | How do Poles, Germans and Czechs see one another? Good, on the whole, even though deeply rooted stereotypes shine through.


Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany are important neighbours for one another, but they do not really know one another. Their mutual perception is often heavily burdened with unjust stereotypes, based on fragmented knowledge and lack of experience – according to the report "Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany – mutual relations, cooperation and development" prepared by PKN Orlen.

Public opinion surveys carried out in all three countries in July this year by the Institute of Public Affairs show that the general image of Poles, Czechs and Germans is rather positive, even though certain asymmetries can be noticed. Above all, it is striking that Germans are very well perceived both in Poland, as well as in the Czech Republic. For instance, in both countries over 90% of respondents assess that the German economy is developing well, and that they have good work organization.

German companies enjoy a great opinion in Poland and the Czech Republic. "They are perceived as well-managed, taking care of their employees and environment and respecting the...

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