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Sports Sponsorship: Passion and Business

05 września 2013 | Forum daily
Alfred Kubczak, Artur Olech, Cezary Szymanek
autor zdjęcia: Piotr Guzik
źródło: Fotorzepa
Alfred Kubczak, Artur Olech, Cezary Szymanek

Marketing | Polish sportspeople are receiving more and more money from sponsors. Sport is said to be profitable.

Grzegorz Siemionczyk

This year, companies in the whole world will have spent approx. USD 53 billion on sports sponsorship, which is by 5.1% more than last year, as IEG, an advisory company estimates. In Poland, such expenses reach, as 'Forbes' estimates, at maximum PLN 700 million per year, however, they grow instantly. It is impossible to obtain actual data, because companies are ready to talk about the benefits that the association of a brand with sports brings, but they are rather unwilling to discuss the costs of such an investment. The same happened during the debate on the sports marketing that was held yesterday, during the Economic Forum in Krynica.

Sponsorship has become so popular in our country that even the clubs that do not play in the best leagues and sportspeople dealing with sport disciplines that are not the most popular ones can expect money. "Today, it is the business that looks for sportspeople; no longer do sportspeople try to find sponsors. There is...

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