Matura z języka angielskiego. Zapis nagrań
zadanie 1
Most of us turn to friends or family at times of crisis, but sometimes when you're facing a very personal problem, it's good to have the chance to talk things over in confidence with an understanding counsellor.
Some people resist the idea of counselling because they feel they should be able to sort everything out on their own. But, contrary to popular belief, a counsellor's task is not to give you advice, but to help you realise your own problems, so you see them in a fresh way and discover the way to deal with them. A counsellor will listen to what you have to say - simply being able to talk freely and knowing you're being 'heard" is often very helpful in itself.
'Relate" is the best known of the couple counselling agencies. You can turn to them for help whether you are married or not and whatever your age, sexual orientation or beliefs. You can go alone or as a couple.
Older couples are less willing to consider counselling. The average age for people coming to counselling is mid 30s, but it's never too late to look for help, and counselling can often make a relationship work again, even if it seems as if there is little hope. 'The oldest couple I've ever counselled were 76!", says a 'Relate" counsellor.
/adapted from: 'Building Bridges: Radio 2's guide to managing relationships -...
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