CAE Odpowiedzi
Paper 1 Reading
Part 1 1D 2C 3G 4B 5C 6B 7E 8G 9B 10F 11G 12A 13H
Part 2 18B 19E 20D 21H 22A 23G 24C
Part 3 21C 22C 23A 24D 25B
Paper 2 Writing
Part 1 Task-specific mark schemes
Question 1 Content (points covered)
Two letters
(a) A letter with at least a balanced reference to three points:
- description of what happened
- conveyance of thanks
- offer of repayment of costs.
Letters that do not mention ALL three can only get a mark of 2.
Suitable opening/close to letter, with appropriate introductory statement of who the writer is.
(b) A brief letter summarising the outcome, not merely a list of contents.
Should mention reference number, and must refer...
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