Who is who?
Top positions in a company are spread between three offices: the CEO, the President and the Chairman of the Board. What is the difference in their responsibilities and who is the most powerful person in the company? The CEO (Chief Executive Officer) is a company's decision-maker. In the company's hierarchy all other executives answer to him or her. The CEO focuses on strategic decisions like which market to enter or which company to take over or merge with. This is in contrast to the COO (Chief Operating Officer) or President. He or she is responsible for the day-to-day running of the company. The person that does not play an active role in everyday management is the Chairman. He or she is the...
Archiwum Rzeczpospolitej to wygodna wyszukiwarka archiwalnych tekstów opublikowanych na łamach dziennika od 1993 roku. Unikalne źródło wiedzy o Polsce i świecie, wzbogacone o perspektywę ekonomiczną i prawną.
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