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High-flying, hard-landing

10 września 2009 | XIX FORUM EKONOMICZNE
źródło: Rzeczpospolita

After twenty years, countries from the region still need reform

Aleksandra fandrejewska

„Countries from Central and Eastern Europe should significantly cut the bureaucratic burdens and consequently reform their public finances because in their cases classic methods of counteracting the crisis such as financial programmes stimulating the economy or lowering taxes do not work,” thinks professor Witold Orłowski, chief economist at PricewaterhouseCoopers. He is co-author of a report on transformation in the region entitled 'Hard landing', which the consulting company presented at the Forum in Krynica. It describes the present economic situation in 15 countries in the region and the reasons why growth has been halted there.

According to the report Poland, the Czech Republic, Russia, Slovakia and Slovenia are the pillars of the region and they are dealing best with the economic crisis. „We were lucky that we did not have...

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