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First-Class Europeans

10 września 2009 | XIX FORUM EKONOMICZNE
Annual rating of the Europe 500 prepared by Rzeczpospolita and Deloitte has become a prime event at Krynica
autor zdjęcia: Seweryn Sołtys
źródło: Fotorzepa
Annual rating of the Europe 500 prepared by Rzeczpospolita and Deloitte has become a prime event at Krynica
PKN Orlen is the revenue   leader in the region.
źródło: Rzeczpospolita
PKN Orlen is the revenue leader in the region.

Polish companies have once again dominated the list CE top 500. Judging by last year’s results of the local giants, no consequences of the crisis are yet to be seen

Piotr Mazurkiewicz

Revenues of the 500 largest companies in Central and Eastern Europe went up by almost one fifth in 2008. However, we can already see the first signs of the crisis. Profits have been almost halved when compared to last year. Such conclusions can be drawn after reading the Europe 500 list, a list including the biggest companies in Central and Eastern Europe prepared for the third time by Rzeczpospolita and the consulting company Deloitte.

“Europe 500 is a very important and meaningful enterprise. In the present situation, what is really precious are the initiatives showing the strength and the potential of Polish companies,” said the honorary guest to the presentation, Deputy Prime Minister...

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