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Ekonomia i biznes
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Employees as owners

10 września 2010 | XX Forum Ekonomiczne w Krynicy
In the discussion about the employee stock option plan participated Jolanta Fedak  the Minister  of Labour and Social Policy (first from the  right)
autor zdjęcia: Roman Bosiacki
źródło: Fotorzepa
In the discussion about the employee stock option plan participated Jolanta Fedak the Minister of Labour and Social Policy (first from the right)

How to increase employees’ involvement in company life?

– We must take care of training and career paths, as well as create promotion opportunities for young mothers – emphasised Jolanta Fedak, the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, a special guest of the panel discussion titled: “Involvement of Employees as the Driving Force of Enterprise Development – Employee Stock Option Plan and Other Methods”. Minister Fedak was very enthusiastic about the employee stock option plan, but what she appreciates is the real stock option plan, not to be confused with the free distribution to the employees of 15% of shares of companies undergoing privatisation,...

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