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Investment boom?

10 września 2010 | XX Forum Ekonomiczne w Krynicy
Poland offers foreign investors large internal market and qualified staff. From left: Ivan Jukl  from Czechtrade, Sławomir Majman, President of PAIiIZ and Joze Mencinger, former Minister  of Economy from Slovenia
autor zdjęcia: Rafał Guz
źródło: Fotorzepa
Poland offers foreign investors large internal market and qualified staff. From left: Ivan Jukl from Czechtrade, Sławomir Majman, President of PAIiIZ and Joze Mencinger, former Minister of Economy from Slovenia

In the part of countries from our region, the influx of foreign capital has already been much higher than last year. Many states still struggle with problems

Piotr Mazurkiewicz

Agnieszka Stefańska

– The inflow of foreign investment in the first half of the year was by 80 % higher than in relatively positive 2009 – said Slawomir Majman, President of the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency during a panel „Investment in Central and Eastern Europe: after the crisis”.

As long as the forecasts of further inflow of investment to Poland are pretty good, experts emphasize that our region cannot be any longer treated as a coherent whole. – The Situation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is not bad. On the other hand, one can anticipate that the problems of Ukraine, Lithuania or Latvia are not likely to end this or next year – said Jacek Socha, Vice-president of PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Last year GDP growth was recorded only in Poland, but we should not forget that in the same time unemployment, budget...

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