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24 października 2003 | Raporty | AR



Course Information

You will hear a lecturer talking to students at the beginning of their course. For questions 1-10, fill in the missing information. You will hear the recording twice.

Well, good morning everyone. My first task this morning, and it's a very happy one for me to perform, is to welcome all of you to this first tutorial for the University of Brancaster course A753 on Art in Italy. I'll be passing around a paper on which I'd like you to write your names, so that I know exactly who's been present, and, as is the case for all tutorials, this also means that if anyone who should be here is not, then I'll be able to put any of the handouts given out during the tutorial in the post, so that you'll get the essential information in some form or other, if not necessarily from the horse's mouth. Now there are two basic areas that I intend to deal with today. Past experience has shown that students starting the course have two areas of anxiety: the first is with how their work is going to be assessed, and the second is how best to study for the course.

As you will know if you've read the information sent to course participants before the start of the course, you will be required to supply four pieces of written work for assessment purposes. Each of these Tutor Marked Assignments or TMA's as we call them must be submitted by the date...

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