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There is no turning back from mobile news

03 września 2014 | Forum daily
Participants  in discussion „All the roads of information”  debated, among others, how to create and maintain  a high-qualit journalism at the times of the present technology transformation
autor zdjęcia: Piotr Nowak
źródło: Fotorzepa
Participants in discussion „All the roads of information” debated, among others, how to create and maintain a high-qualit journalism at the times of the present technology transformation

Media | All the players on the media and communication market must get used 
to new technologies and consumers' expectations.

Anita Baszczak

The top ranking of the most valuable brands of the year have been dominated by brands associated with the  Internet and IT, with Google in the lead. They are quickly increasing their turnover and the number of customers, even though they partly owe their success to the content taken from traditional media which are fighting for survival," reminded Bogusław Chrabota, chief editor of "Rzeczpospolita" during the discussion "All the roads of information". None of the participants had any doubt that he actually meant the only one mobile way of accessing digital content, which both traditional, printed media as well as TV broadcasters, cable TV providers and telecoms want to follow.

Direction – the Internet

Tomasz Czechowicz, the...

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