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Too few doctors – the main ail of the Polish healthcare system

03 września 2014 | Forum daily
The lack of doctors is a problem only in some regions – assured Tadeusz Jędrzejczyk, President of the National Health Fund
źródło: PAP
The lack of doctors is a problem only in some regions – assured Tadeusz Jędrzejczyk, President of the National Health Fund

Health | We are lagging behind in the European Union in terms of the number of doctors per capita.

maciej rudke

This problem was brought up by Łukasz Zalicki, a partner at EY, during the debate entitled "Financial and human capital resources in the healthcare system in Poland", which opened the 5th Healthcare Forum in Krynica. "Moreover, the small number of graduates of medical faculties may cause that the gap, which is visible already now, will deepen in the future," he added.

Consequently, Polish doctors are overworked. Sometimes, they work even 125 hours a week. "Could dividing the public and private healthcare system and forcing doctors to choose only one of them solve the problem?" – asked...

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