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24 kwietnia 2002 | Raporty | AR

Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English

  • Paper 1 Reading
  • Paper 2 Writing
  • Paper 3 English in Use
  • Paper 4 Listening
  • Paper 5 Speaking

    The revised CPE exam will be introduced for the first time in December 2002. That is why we are not giving samples of past papers of current CPE exam (last sitting June 2002) .

    All the samples come from Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English 1 and Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English 2 published by Cambridge University Press in 2002. Cambridge University Press is the only official publisher of CPE papers from UCLES.

    If you want to approach the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) with confidence you need to familiarise yourself thoroughly with the new format and content of the revised exam - and you need to practise examination techniques using genuine material such as the CPE papers which have been specially prepared for publication by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES). They provide the most authentic ex- amination practice available.

    The Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English examination consists of 5 papers, each of which has equal weighting of 20% of the total marks.

    Paper 1 (Reading) and parts of Paper 4 (Listening ) are marked by computer scanning of the answer sheet.

  • ...

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