CAE: Paper 1 - Reading
Part 1
Answer questions 1-17 by referring to the magazine article about orchestras on tour. Indicate your answers on the separate answer sheet. For questions 1-17, answer by choosing from the sections of the article A-H. Some of the choices may be required more than once.
Note: When more than one answer is required, these may be given in any order.
Which section states that -
- some musicians take precautions with their equipment? 1 ....
- plans sometimes have to be changed because of unforeseen circumstances? 2 .... 3 .... 4 ....
- sometimes extra expense can be justified? 5 ....
- if tours are over-ambitious, the music will suffer?
6 ....
- a tour has more impact when the concerts are thematically linked? 7 ....
- international tours can benefit the careers of certain performers? 8 ....
Which section includes -
- someone who has to be very resourceful?
9 .... 10 ....
- someone who tends to repeat the same mistake?
11 ....
- a disagreement over a fundamental matter?
12 ...
Archiwum Rzeczpospolitej to wygodna wyszukiwarka archiwalnych tekstów opublikowanych na łamach dziennika od 1993 roku. Unikalne źródło wiedzy o Polsce i świecie, wzbogacone o perspektywę ekonomiczną i prawną.
Ponad milion tekstów w jednym miejscu.
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