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First Certificate in English - Vocabulary

29 września 2004 | Raporty | AR

First Certificate in English - Vocabulary

Shop / Store

1. a shop

  • shop

  • retail outlet

  • chainstore

    shop especially British /store especially American building or place where things are sold: Could you run down to the shop and get me some cigarettes? | A lot of the stores on the main street had been boarded up. | I asked in my local record shop but they couldn't help me. | I saw Helen at the grocery store this morning. | I got it from the secondhand furniture shop. | a new health food shop | It's where the old jewelry store used to be.

    chain store one of a group of large shops that have the same name and are owned by the same company: A lot of the old Victorian buildings are being pulled down to make way for chain stores.

    retail outlet a shop where a company sells its goods - use this in business or legal contexts: Benetton has retail outlets in every major European city | The company has been forced to close hundreds of its retail outlets.

    2. different types of shop

  • supermarket
  • pharmacy

  • convenience store
  • a hardware store

  • corner shop
  • newsagent's

  • bakery
  • newsagent

  • ...

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