CAE Odpowiedzi
Paper 1 Reading
Zadanie 1 1A 2D/E 3 D/E 4D 5A/B 6 A/B 7C 8B/G 9B/G 10E/F 11E/F 12C 13E 14 C
Zadanie 2 17C 18G 19B 20H 21D 22F 23A
Zadanie 3 21B 22D 23C 24C 25A
Zadanie 4 26D 27 B/F 28B/F 9H 30C/H 31 C/H 32C 33F 34A/G/H 35A/G/H/ 36A/G/H 37C 38E 39C/H/I 40C/H/I 41C/H/I
Paper 2 Writing
Przykłady autentycznych odpowiedzi wraz z oceną i szczegółowym komentarzem znajdziesz w Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 4, Teacher's Book, Examination Papers from the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, Cambridge University Press 1999,
Part 1
12th March, 19..
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am the secretary of the International Friendship Club, here in Perth. We would like to book 15 seats for Macbeth here on Saturday, 16th May.
I understand that we may pay in dollars on the night of the performance and that the charge for a group will be the equivalent of Ł6 per person. Could you confirm that we will get the group discount if we do not pay in advance?
Please could you also let me know what time the play end (I believe it starts at 8 pm)?
Thank you for your help.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Brown
Club Secretary
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