How to get it right the first time - An Archibald Guide to Job Interviews
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How to get it right the first time - An Archibald Guide to Job Interviews "Rzeczpospolita" i centrum językowe Archibald prowadzą kurs angielskiego. Co środę w "Mojej Karierze" prezentujemy kolejne lekcje - związane z tematyką omawianą w naszym dodatku. Najlepsi dostaną nagrody. Co kwartał do wygrania stacjonarny kurs angielskiego w Archibaldzie, a także kursy internetowe Study Pack. Informacje o konkursie dostępne są też na stronie: www.archibald.plJob interviews don't have to be terrifying if you play by the rules. Going to a job interview is like taking part in a game. If you remember about certain rules, dress accordingly, you just might win the 'game' and 'knock your opponent out'. To make you more confident below are a few 'rules' you shouldn't forget about.
Savoir-faire of interviews1. Arrive 10 or 15 minutes early. You can't take any chances that you might be even one minute late. If you are going to be late, phone the company and let them know.
2. Greet the interviewers by title (Ms, Mr, Dr) and last name, if you are sure of the pronunciation.
3. During the interview show what...
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