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Paper 1 Reading

02 czerwca 2004 | Raporty | AR

PAPER 1 Reading (1 HOUR 15 MINUTES)

Part 1

You are going to read part of a leaflet about Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Choose the most suitable heading A-1 for each part (1-7) of the leaflet. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the actual exam you will mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

A It's not just the dog that needs to learn

B Will any dog do?

C Becoming someone's ears

D Understanding deafness

E A fair exchange

F Many benefits

G An expression of gratitude

H Learning to live with others

I What do hearing dogs do?




Dogs acting as guides for the blind are now a familiar sight in most cities. Less familiar are 'Hearing Dogs for Deaf People", but in Britain more than 600 such animals exist. In 1982 an innovative programme was established to provide deaf adults with dogs to alert them to sounds in the home such as the doorbell, alarm clock, telephone or smoke alarm. Instead of barking, they use a paw to gain attention and then lead the deaf person to the sound source.


Small and medium-sized dogs make the best hearing dogs. They...

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