“Rz” recommends – 5th September
Business and Management
Mergers, acquisitions and strategic alliances
– consolidations in the Polish business
The last five years have been a time of accelerated consolidation of the local business, and the economic difficulties and the debt crisis have proven to be a catalyst. Also on the Polish market there have been a few huge transactions, mainly in the financial, telecommunication and retail sectors. Participants of the debate, including Grzegorz Hajdarowicz, President of Presspublica Sp. z o.o., the publisher of "Rz", Krzysztof Kilian, President of PGE and Mateusz Morawiecki, President of BZ WBK will discuss what should be done to ensure successful consolidations in Polish business. 12.05, Dom Forum, Rzeszów room
The Energy Forum
The race for shale gas.
A new impulse for the Polish...
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