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The last such year?

05 września 2012 | Forum Krynica
Participants in the plenar session decided that they should let the market work on its own at some point. The state should provide good money and good law
autor zdjęcia: Piotr Guzik
źródło: Fotorzepa
Participants in the plenar session decided that they should let the market work on its own at some point. The state should provide good money and good law

Regional leaders increased their revenues in 2011 on average by 9.8%

piotr mazurkiewicz

"Rz" together with the consulting company Deloitte for the sixth time presented the list of the 500 largest companies in Central and Eastern Europe at the Economic Forum in Krynica.

To celebrate this occasion the following companies were given awards: in the category of exceptional achievement KGHM was rewarded for the acquisition of the Canadian Quadra, in the category growth and financial stability the award went to Asseco Poland and to the Estonian ferry-transport Tallink Group.

The year 2011 was not bad for companies, however it has brought a number of negative phenomena that are visible in financial reports.

In 2011 total revenues of the 500 largest companies in the region amounted to...

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