Język angielski – Lekcja 18. Women in the workplace
Przedstawiamy kolejną lekcję angielskiego z „Rz” i Archibaldem – Centrum Języka Angielskiego. Co tydzień inny temat związany z pracą, studiami i karierą – tekst, słowniczek, ćwiczenia, idiomy lub frazeologizmy. Jest też wersja dźwiękowa materiałów. Po przeczytaniu tekstów wejdź na www.rp.pl i posłuchaj dzisiejszej lekcji. Szczegóły na www.archibald.pl
It's extremely obvious that women have come a long way as successful professionals. Life in the workplace has become much more diversified as an increased number of women have made their presence felt in many industries and professions. The female workforce has expanded with great strength, and has its significant importance in the professional world.
Whether they like it or not, men have to accept that women are climbing the corporate ladder confidently. What makes them so determined and successful? I decided to try and find the differences in behavior between the two sexes at work. Here is what I found:
Whether it is this difference in behavior that has enabled...
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