Język angielski – Lekcja 28. Employee Recognition
Przedstawiamy kolejną lekcję angielskiego z „Rz” i Archibaldem – Centrum Języka Angielskiego. Co tydzień inny temat związany z pracą, studiami i karierą – tekst, słowniczek, ćwiczenia, idiomy lub frazeologizmy. Jest też wersja dźwiękowa materiałów. Po przeczytaniu tekstów wejdź na www.rp.pl i posłuchaj dzisiejszej lekcji. Szczegóły na www.archibald.pl
There are two things people want more than sex and money -- recognition and praise." --Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay CosmeticsThere are many reasons why people work and they are as individual as the person. Some people work for pleasure or personal fulfillment ; others for the money. Whatever the reason might be, there is one thing that everyone will almost always appreciate, and that is recognition. Employee recognition is a factor in motivation and retention. Which employee wouldn’t like to be honored for his continuous service in a company? Honoring those who have reached employment milestones is recognizing their ongoing dedication and commitment. The question is how are employees being awarded? ...
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