Język angielski – Lekcja 39. What is outplacement?
Przedstawiamy kolejną lekcję angielskiego z „Rz” i Archibaldem – Centrum Języka Angielskiego. Co tydzień inny temat związany z pracą, studiami i karierą – tekst, słowniczek, ćwiczenia, idiomy lub frazeologizmy. Jest też wersja dźwiękowa materiałów. Po przeczytaniu tekstów wejdź na www.rp.pl i posłuchaj dzisiejszej lekcji. Szczegóły na www.archibald.pl
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary ‘outplacement’ is the process of easing unwanted or unneeded executives out of a company by providing company-paid assistance in finding them new jobs. In other words, if companies have to make their employees redundant they hire an outplacement agency that, for example, helps to draft resumes, offers career guidance or even provides practice interviews. Outplacement programs are implemented before the employees are laid-off.
The outplacement industry began in the 1980’s due to a wave of downsizing that swept the Australian economy. Losing one’s job is one of the most stressful events that can occur in a person’s life. Everyone reacts in a different way. Some can cope with the situation quite easily, others need help and guidance. Managers who offer outplacement support want to, on...
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