Język angielski – Lekcja 32. Mobbing in the Academe
Przedstawiamy kolejną lekcję angielskiego z „Rz” i Archibaldem – Centrum Języka Angielskiego. Co tydzień inny temat związany z pracą, studiami i karierą – tekst, słowniczek, ćwiczenia, idiomy lub frazeologizmy. Jest też wersja dźwiękowa materiałów. Po przeczytaniu tekstów wejdź na www.rp.pl i posłuchaj dzisiejszej lekcji. Szczegóły na www.archibald.pl
Loyal readers will, no doubt, remember a lesson I wrote about „Mobbing In the Workplace”, where I gave examples of authentic stories of workplace harassment. In today’s lesson I’d like to continue the subject, but look at the problem in a different working environment and that is at universities.
Bullying colleagues at work happens not only among white collar workers. If a person is a threat to someone he or she can become a target of humiliation and exclusion in any professional environment. According to a sociologist, Mr Kenneth Westhues, the academic world is a perfect “petri dish” for the culture of mobbing. He points to several reasons, namely high job security, subjective measures of performance, and frequent tension among the goals of professors and the goals of the...
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