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20 years of EU solidarity

10 września 2009 | XIX FORUM EKONOMICZNE
The panelists  expressed their intention for Ukraine to become shortly a full member of the EU
autor zdjęcia: Seweryn Sołtys
źródło: Fotorzepa
The panelists expressed their intention for Ukraine to become shortly a full member of the EU

European solidarity after 20 years. The best way of fighting the crisis is greater economic freedom

Karolina Baca

„Over recent years the European Union has expanded more than ever, but that does not mean that it is integrated,” said Professor Jerzy Buzek, the President of the European Parliament and a special guest of the session.”Common policies, such as regional or agricultural, are the symbol of European policy, and now also energy policy. Particularly in the case of the latter, this is necessary in order to have a stronger...

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