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Ekonomia i biznes
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Rz recommends – 10th September

10 września 2010 | XX Forum Ekonomiczne w Krynicy

The plenary session

New EU financial perspectives for the years 2014-2020. Focus on innovative solutions or infrastructure?

The world economy is gradually getting back on its feet after the crisis and the European Commission is beginning to work on a budget which will define future financial prospects. Will the general economic growth in the European Community contribute to modernisation of Central Europe? Should investment in infrastructure constitute the priority in modernisation of the region, or should the focus rather be on implementing innovative solutions? The EU presidency of Hungary and Poland next year offer unique opportunity for devising an EU budget which will ensure sustained development of all countries. This will be a subject of the plenary session with Francis Bailly, Vice President for European Affairs of GE, Belgium, Janusz Lewandowski, EC Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget, György...

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