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Awards for success on foreign markets

06 września 2012 | Forum Krynica
Tomasz Kalwat, CEO of Synthos, was awarded as the most effective investor
autor zdjęcia: Piotr Guzik
źródło: Fotorzepa
Tomasz Kalwat, CEO of Synthos, was awarded as the most effective investor

Polish Champions in the PwC competition are the following companies: Oknoplast, Synthos and Selena.

In the competition „Polish Company – International Champion" organized by PwC, companies were awarded for exceptional achievements in international expansion. Any enterprise with Polish capital, which made a foreign investment in the last five years, which conducts export activities on a broad scale and is successful in these fields, was allowed to take part in the competition. The competition jury gave awards in the categories of exporter, investor as well as a special award for efforts in the promotion of Poland abroad.

„Twenty years ago, we almost rolled out red carpets in front of foreign investors that decided to enter the Polish market. Today, Polish companies that have big enough capital and know-how to conquer foreign markets,"...

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