Krynica – a Symbol of Dialogue
Is there anything more important than a dialogue in the world, the world of democracy and free market? It is hard to image public life, development of civilisation or progress in any area without the exchange of thoughts. This is the basis of every communication, the core of social life. The Economic Forum in Krynica, which has welcomed participants for the twenty third time now, is a phenomenon in this part of Europe. Most of all, it has become a stable institution of the transborder system of dialogue.
Whoever comes to Krynica is certain to meet the most important players – leaders of the...
Archiwum Rzeczpospolitej to wygodna wyszukiwarka archiwalnych tekstów opublikowanych na łamach dziennika od 1993 roku. Unikalne źródło wiedzy o Polsce i świecie, wzbogacone o perspektywę ekonomiczną i prawną.
Ponad milion tekstów w jednym miejscu.
Zamów dostęp do pełnego Archiwum "Rzeczpospolitej"
ZamówUnikalna oferta