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Warsaw is not the centre of the world

04 września 2013 | Polskie inwestycje za granicą
autor zdjęcia: Radek Pasterski
źródło: Fotorzepa

Interview | "In Russia, we benefit from lower labour costs whereas in France we are trying to market Polish products in a new package," Ryszard Petru, partner in PwC tells "Rz."

Rz: Are more and more Polish companies going to invest abroad?

Ryszard Petru: Yes, I think so, because this is a natural trend. If you have a well-founded position in Poland then you start looking for new markets. It is not always possible to achieve such an expansion through export, whether because of logistic issues, legal limitations of business culture; in such a situation it is better to focus on direct investment.

So, such expansion is typical of all large companies?

Yes, indeed, these are the tactics implemented mostly by large and middle-sized companies. Small companies are rather unheard of. However, this is also only natural, because entrepreneurs usually start to think about...

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