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Lekcja 15: Executive search

17 grudnia 2008 | Kariera i Biznes | Malwina Staszak

If you are a deeply experienced and expertly skilled employee, you need to find a person that could take your career to the next level. You need to find yourself on the list of headhunters that control the access to the best and most important executive jobs in the world.

Executive search or headhunting agencies are mainly hired by firms to search for high-end positions, such as C-level officers, like a CEO, CIO, CFO or COO. Headhunters charge a fee or a percentage of salary for contacting you with the firm that hires you. They operate on either a contingency, which means they only get paid if they place someone with the hiring firm, or on a retainer, which means the company has paid them to search for a candidate for a particular position. For many talented and ambitious young leaders, headhunting agencies are gateways to the top levels of...

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