Investment in energy has to cost
The government does not want to burden recipients with investment costs in the electro-energy sector. The sector stresses that projects to the value of many millions are unavoidable
Necessary investments in the Polish electro-energy sector and their costs dominated the yesterday's panel entitled 'Who Will Finance the Necessary Investments in the Power Sector in the 21st Century?". According to forecasts, outlays in the energy sector may amount to PLN 120-130 billion within ten years" time.
„Our intention is not to...
Archiwum Rzeczpospolitej to wygodna wyszukiwarka archiwalnych tekstów opublikowanych na łamach dziennika od 1993 roku. Unikalne źródło wiedzy o Polsce i świecie, wzbogacone o perspektywę ekonomiczną i prawną.
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