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Strategy – Hard Work

09 września 2011 | Forum daily
Wojciech Haydel: before he took over the Ruch’s steering wheel, he examined the company carefully
autor zdjęcia: Piotr Guzik
źródło: Fotorzepa
Wojciech Haydel: before he took over the Ruch’s steering wheel, he examined the company carefully

Crisis | The Polish companies’ problem is that when the management changes so does the strategy

Elżbieta Glapiak

„It is self-satisfaction and not the lack of strategy that is the first step to losing the market share", said Andrzej Klesyk, President of the Management Board of PZU, during the debate entitled 'Problems of Companies Not-Conforming to Market Changes – a Way Out of Crisis'.

In Mr Klesyk's opinion the belief that nothing can surprise us is the...

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