Two faces of the crisis
Economic slowdown has forced fuel and gas companies to look for savings and restructuring and governments to better protect companies against hostile take-overs
Such are the conclusions from the discussions of the heads of the Hungarian concern MOL and the largest Polish companies operating in this sector regarding the consequences of the world crisis. All participants in the panel entitled 'The fuel sector in times of crisis; key challenges and opportunities' admitted that they have been forced to cut their investment outlays while maintaining crucial projects, and to tighten budget discipline, and that, at the same time, the crisis brought about some problems which had been difficult to see before.
„The crisis also has its good sides,” argued the president of the Hungarian company Zsolt Hernadi. „Earlier, in Hungary, hardly anyone paid attention to issues regarding energy security because it seemed that there would be no problems in this regard. In the meantime it turned out that even our...
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