Lekcja 9: Healthy working environments
Is it possible to work in an office where instead of a staircase you have a slide that takes you straight into the office canteen, where you are given all-you-can-eat meals every day? You say, it’s not possible? I have to prove you wrong and say, definitely yes. The office environment I was describing exists in Google.
What can you do to relax and energize your employee during a long 8-hour day? For really unusual and at the same time wacky ideas it is best to visit Google’s new European engineering headquarters in Zurich Switzerland. The office is an unconventional environment where everyone can find a place to chill out. The leisure areas are divided into mini-environments, for example the water-lounge with its fish tanks. There you can sit in one of the massage chairs and totally switch off. There is also a Swiss chalet and an igloo. If you’d like to have...
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