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Lekcja 16: Time to celebrate

24 grudnia 2008 | Kariera i Biznes | Malwina Staszak

Anniversaries are good moments to look back in time at ones achievements and successes. For companies it’s a time of recognizing their accomplishments and promoting their business, not to mention improving employee morale.

Your anniversaries can be a part of a track record of your experience and know-how. How often a company organizes a celebration depends entirely on the business. There are no rules, only those imposed by common sense and good taste. The typical milestones for corporate celebrations are the 25th, then the 50th, 75th and eventually the 100th, the so called centennial anniversary.

In today’s corporate world an anniversary can mean more than extra bonuses for the staff and a fancy dinner. For example, Land Rover marked its 60th...

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